Thomas Penn and Richard Penn Esquires, true and absolute Proprietaries and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware. To all unto whom these Presents shall come Greeting. Whereas by virtue of a Warrant under the Lesser Seal of the said Province bearing date the twenty-third day of November in the year of our Lord 1737 a Survey was made unto one Martin Gryner on a certain Tract of Two hundred and seventy three acres of Land Situate in Warwick Township in the County of Lancaster. Under certain Conditions in the said Warrant mentioned which Conditions not having been complied with by the said Martin Gryner the said Warrant and Survey made in pursuance thereof are become utterly void as in and by the said Warrant remaining in our Surveyor General's Office relation being thereunto had does manifestly appear. And Whereas afterwards in and by a Warrant under the Seal of our Land Office bearing date the twenty-third day of December in the year 1743, upon application made to us by Barbara Gryner of the said County, Our Surveyor General was required to accept and receive into his Office the Survey thereof into our Secretary's Office for the use and behoof of the said Barbara Gryner, which Survey being accordingly into our Secretary's Office, the Bounds and Limits thereof are set forth and described to be as follows, Vis: Beginning at a marked chesnut and from thence extending by Ulrich Kener's Land and vacant Barrens West two hundred and fifty five perches to a post and South South West one hundred and three perches to a marked chesnut, thence by George Moyer's Land East South East forty five perches to a marked black oak and South East by South one hundred and forty perches to a marked hickery, thence by Lines of marked trees North East eighty perches to a marked black oak and South East forty perches to a marked hickery, thence by Jacob Crydor's Land North East one hundred and twenty eight perches to a marked hickery and North one hundred and ten perches to the place of beginning containing two hundred and seventy three acres as aforesaid and the allowance of Six acres per Cent for Roads and Highways.

Now at the instance and request of the said Barbara Gryner that we would be pleased to grant her a Confirmation of the same. Know Ye that in Consideration of the Sum of Forty Two Pounds six Shillings and three pence lawful Money of Pennsylvania to our use paid by the said Barbara Gryner (the Receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Barbara Gryner her Heirs and Assigns by these Presents) And of the Yearly Quit Rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We Have given granted release and confirmed and by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Succesors Do give grant release and confirm unto the said Barbara Gryner her Heirs and Assigns The Said Two hundred and seventy three acres of Land as the same is now set forth bounded and limited as aforesaid With all mines minerals quarries meadows marshes savannahs swamps ripples woods Underwoods timber and trees ways waters watercourses liberties profits commodities advantages belonging or in any wise appertaining and lying within the Bounds and Limits aforesaid (three full and clear fifth parts of all Royal (wells?) free from all deductions and reprisals for digging and refining the same and also one fifth part of the oar of all other mines delivered at the Pits mouth only excepted and hereby reserved) And also free Heirs and Assigns To hawk hunt fish and fowl in and upon thereof. To Have And To Hold the said Two Hundred and seventy three acres of Land and Premises hereby granted with the Appurtenance except as before excepted unto the said Barbara Gryner her Heirs and Assigns. To Beholden of Us our Heirs and Successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Conestogo in the said County of Lancaster in free and common Socage by Fealty only in lieu of all other Services Yielding and Paying Therefore Yearly to Us our Heirs and Successors and the Town of Lancaster in the said County at or upon the First day of March in every Year from the First of March last past One Half Penny Sterling for every acre of the same or Value thereof in Coin Current according as the Exchange shall then between our said Province and the City of London to such Person or Persons as shall from time to time be appointed to Receive the same And in case of Nonpayment thereof within Ninety days next after the same shall become due that then it shall and maybe lawful for Us our Heirs and Successors our and their Receiver or Receivers into and upon the hereby granted Land and premises to Reenter and the same to hold and possess until the said Quit Rent and all Arrears thereof together with the Charges accruing by means of Such Nonpayment and Reentry be fully paid and discharged. Witness Anthony Palmer Esquire President of the Council of the said Province who in pursuance and by virtue of certain Powers and Authorities to him for this Purpose (interalia) granted by the said Proprietaries Hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be Affixed at Philadelphia this Twenty first day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty seven, the Twenty first year of the Reign of King George The Second over Great Britain Etc and the Thirtieth Year of the said Proprietarie Government

Document (deed #239) in possession of

Lebanon County Historical Society

Lebanon, PA


Transcribed by

Robert C. Greiner

Laurel, MD 20723-1139